I've been around the block -- as in seven continents and over 120 countries from Andorra to Zambia. My goal in travel writing: finding the best, reporting with zest. I speak at The New York Times Travel Show, and have blogged lots besides here -- including at Huffpost, Salon, and the Daily Beast. I've written for The New York Times, The Miami Herald and Gannett Newspapers; was managing editor of Travel Smart (a clue to what I'm good at!); and appeared regularly on The Travel Channel. As an award-winning writer and avid photographer, I've contributed to dozens of guidebooks. created many hundreds of travel pieces and columns, and authored seven books, including the current "Travel Tales I Couldn’t Put in the Guidebooks." I love to share special discoveries in travel, food, wine, art, culture and technology through my words and photos. Tweet me @lealane, or follow me on Instagram, where I'm Travelea -- http://instagram.com/travelea