My work explores the decision-making that guides how people behave in competitive situations. Using sports as a key for starting people’s minds, I get “underneath the analytics” of strategies, decisions, and policies, so people and organizations better understand why they do the things they do and move an enterprise forward. I joined the faculty at New York University in 2004, and am currently Clinical Associate Professor in the NYU Tisch Institute and Co-Director of NYU Sports & Society. My work at NYU includes serving as liaison to the Mayors Professional Sports Alliance, a task force created by the United States Conference of Mayors to provide information and support on issues related to sports in major league cities. An Associate of the Medical Ethics division at NYU School of Medicine, healthcare has been a major chord in my work. Prior to arriving at NYU, I trained in the sports medicine and player development departments of a Major League Baseball club, and was Program Advisor at La Palestra in New York, where I designed and managed comprehensive healthcare activities for clients including senior executives, prominent entertainers, and elite athletes.