My name is Liv Buli, and I write stories about music and data. I learn like crazy at Next Big Sound, working with an awesome team of designers, data scientists, engineers, and more. Music is a quirky and awesome beat, and I get a kick out of juxtaposing art and numbers. I have been lucky enough to travel all over the world talking about what I do – from Brisbane, to Chile, to NYU classrooms. Since I love talking (my mom always says I should have been a lawyer or a politician) I am always happy to give my two cents. I have had the pleasure of being invited to speak and participate in panels at SXSW, CMJ, Music Biz, Future of Music Policy Summit, SF Music Tech, BigSound, ByLarm and more. Lately I am starting to think more and more about how to visualize data in simple, elegant ways to build better stories. In my mind, the best data journalism strikes a balance between finding (data science), showing (data visualization), and telling (journalism) a story.