Shohei, congratulations on winning the World Series. I had a question. Last year you won the WBC for your country, now you win the World Series for this town, L.A. Is the emotion and the excitement similar参考動画or there’s any difference between the two of them。まあ日本のためにWBC勝ってて、今回はあのドジャースとして勝てたっていうのはすごくL.Aの為に勝てたみたいなことになりましたけども、何かすごくちょっと、気持ちは違いますかね?
It's a really different kind of happiness that I feel with the WBC. It’s a group of guys that just kind of got grouped into all of a sudden, and with the Dodgers, we played the entire season, got to know a lot of people, and today even at an away stadium, there are so many Dodger fans, so it’s a whole different kind of meaning to be able to win a championship with the Dodgers.
How much of a responsibility did you feel to make sure that even though you were injured, you were still out there on the field and playing in this World Series?怪我されていましたけれども、プレーし続けるっていうのはなんか責任感とか感じましたかね。
When I initially heard my shoulder, I thought my season was over. But a lot of the teammates were telling me, hey, we really need you. So that really was a huge support for me to be able to get through this postseason.